Manganese compounds used by potters are inorganic, like manganese dioxide, oxide and manganese carbonate; they do not penetrate the body via the skin as compared to some organic compounds. Metallic applications account for most manganese consumption, with about 90% used in steelmaking. Manganese is an essential mineral for humans and animals. It is necessary for... Read More
Some Hints on Throwing Porcelain
Of the many types of clay, porcelain is the finest — and the most difficult to ‘throw’ (form on a potters wheel). Porcelain, an ‘artificial’ clay, is certainly no matrial for the beginning potter, who would be much better off starting with a more robust clay like stoneware or earthenware. But there are a few... Read More
Space Ceramics
Ceramics are a field not only known to artists and hobbyists, but one that finds important applications in technical areas as well. While Advanced Heat Engines and Super Conducting ceramics are of interest, the space applications, or so-called thermal protection systems are probably generating the most interest at the moment, especially in the light of the current Mars Pathfinder... Read More
Mat Slip Decoration
Obtaining satin-mat surfaces using slips Have you ever seen satin-mat ceramic surfaces and wondered how it is done? Easy — by decorating with color slips made from the same clay body! Using slips made from the same body as your ceramic pieces is quite easy, but there are a few things to consider. The technique... Read More
Lawson Oyekan
Winner of the Grand Prix Award for the 1st World Ceramic Biennale 2001 Korea The Grand Prix Award for the 1st World Ceramic Biennale 2001 Korea goes to… Lawson Oyekan for “Healing Being” The 1st World Ceramic Biennale 2001 Korea was hosted by the ‘World Ceramic Exposition 2001 Korea Organizing Committee’, is sponsored by the... Read More
Oxidation and Reduction Firings
There are many different types of kilns and firing techniques, e.g. raku, wood firing, gas firing etc. But a particular kiln type can be suitable for more than one firing type. In general we distinguish between two types of firing — oxidation and reduction. What is an oxidation firing? In an oxidation firing, ceramic wares... Read More
DIY Fast Firing Kiln Design
Kiln Materials (Main Body): 6 x 34 1/2″ (88 cms) Angle Iron 4 x 32″ (81 CMS) Angle Iron 4 x 37 3/4″ (96 CMS) Angle Iron Calcium-Silicate Sheeting (Asbestos substitute) 34 1/4″ x 31 3/4″ (87 x 80 CMS) Low Insulation Kiln Bricks (approx. 80) High Insulation Kiln Bricks (approx. 100) Dense Kiln Bricks... Read More
Ceramic Firing Techniques
There are many ceramic firing techniques, some which most people are familiar with, and others that the layman will never have heard of. This article is an attempt to create an overview of those various techniques of firing (the process of hardening and/or vitrifying clay through heat), that are available to the studio potter and... Read More
The ‘Cyberflâneur’ -Spaces and Places on the Internet Part II
The transitory figure of the Flâneur was a partly real and partly literary persona documented by Charles Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin. He, (and he was largely seen as a male figure at the time3 ), was a social type who flourished in the second half of the 19th C and frequented the arcades of Paris. His... Read More
The ‘Cyberflâneur’ – Spaces and Places on the Internet
Cyberspace is a different form of space to personal space, bodily space, architectural space, or any space that can be conceived or perceived in tangible physical terms. It exists solely as bytes and bits on computer circuits and telephone lines. Cyberspace is Information Space, but is this space imaginary or real? This largely unchartered space... Read More
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