In Wyoming, all contractors (except for electrical) are licensed on a city level. As such, you need to check the licensure requirements established by your local government to determine the steps you need to take to become a licensed contractor. To check local listings and obtain contact information, you can go to this site:
Speaking of requirements, you’re probably on this page because you’re having difficulty making heads or tails out of the steps you need to take to obtain your contractor’s license. State or city government websites, after all, contain a ton of information that applicants are having a hard time which information is relevant to their needs. That’s why we cooked up this comprehensive guide to ensure that you can get all the information you need with little effort.
Homeowners — we know how frustrating the whole home improvement process can be. We want to help you by making it easy for you to get competing quotes from our contractor network in Wyoming that are ready to bid on your project. It’s completely free for you and all you have to do is fill out the form below, which only takes 2 minutes.
Why You Should Obtain a Contractor’s License
But before we delve into the steps on how to obtain a contractor’s license in Wyoming or in one of its cities, let’s talk a bit on why you should obtain a contractor’s license. Even if you have the extensive knowledge and skills needed to render quality work as a professional contractor, there are many reasons why a contractor’s license will be beneficial for your contracting career.
So without further ado, here are the top benefits of being a licensed contractor.
Gives you credibility
Simply put, a contractor’s license gives you credibility. Granted, there are many other ways to show prospective clients why you’re the best contractor for the job. Having a license, however, is undeniable proof that you’ve had rigorous training and gained extensive practical experience to become competitive at what you do.
Boosts your earning potential
When you have credibility in your chosen profession, you are more likely to gain the trust of your prospective clients. Trust is the operative word here. After all, clients are more likely to trust licensed contractors with their money. Moreover, licensed contractors have better earning potential simply because most jurisdictions only allow license holders to bid on bigger projects.
Those are just the two of the many benefits of having a contractor’s license. Below are other reasons why you’re better off having a contractor’s license.
Other Benefits
- Own and manage your own construction company
- Give your contracting business more leverage for growth
- Be able to advertise your services legally
- Get a tax cut when purchasing construction materials.
- Hire other contractors or workmen to work for you.
- Have more flexible hours.
- Be a respected member of your community.
For Homeowners: Why you should hire licensed contractors
There are many competitive contractors out there, license or no license. And no homeowner wants to hire a contractor who ends up doing a bad job. But if you want the odds to be in your favor, you’re better off hiring a licensed contractor. Horror stories involving unlicensed contractors abound, and you don’t want to end up being a cautionary tale. According to the Attorney General’s Consumer Mediation Program, home contractors are among the top three businesses that received the most complaints every year. You don’t want to be a part of that statistic.
The point here is obvious: You have everything to gain by hiring a licensed contractor. Here are the reasons why.
They provide quality service
Licensed contractors earned their license by receiving training from standardized, accredited training programs. They have the well-rounded knowledge to ensure that every phase of the project is done in a systematic manner and that everything is accounted for. In short, they make sure that the work they provide meets or exceeds industry standards.
Their insurance protects you from the unexpected
State or city codes require licensed contractors to buy insurance. This protects the consumer (that means ‘you’!) from financial losses or legal risks should damages or injuries occur during the course of the construction or renovation project. As mandated by law, every state should have a resolution program that will provide homeowners the compensation they need to address such losses.
Full compliance
As a homeowner, you’d do well to comply with your city or state’s laws, not only because it protects you from legal action (hefty fines, property sale bottlenecks, etc.) but also because it’s your duty as a citizen.
Electrical Contractor Licensing
The State of Wyoming, through its Electrical Board, handles the management and implementation of electrical licenses. They offer licensing for master electricians, journeyman electricians, low voltage technicians, and limited technicians. They also issue temporary permits, reciprocal licenses, etc. to qualified applicants.
As part of their mandate, the Electrical Board ensures that electrical installations are performed exclusively by licensed electricians.
How to Obtain a Wyoming Electrical Contractor License
So you want to venture into a promising career as an electrician in the State of Wyoming? You’ve come to the right place! First off, it bears noting that electrician licenses are managed and issued by the Department of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety. If you want to obtain an electrician license or have any questions about the licensing process, you go to them. Here are their contact details:
Department of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety
Electrical Licensing
320 West 25th St. 3rd Floor
Cheyenne WY 82002 (307) 777-7991
Now let’s proceed to the steps on how you can obtain that electrical contractor license.
Step One: Fill out the application to take the trade exam
First, you need to fill out the application to take the Wyoming trade exam. But before you do, make sure that you meet all the requirements for the type of license you’re applying for. There are 7 types of electrical licenses.
- Journeyman
- Master
- Apprentice
- Contractor
- Low Voltage Contractor
- Apprentice Technician
- Technician
To find out the requirements you need to meet for each license, please go to the Department’s License and Exam Applications page.
Step Two: Pay the exam fees
Once your application for the exam has been approved, you will receive a letter of approval from the Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety.
This letter will provide you with the contact number for Pearson Vue, the testing agency that will administer the trade exam. Contact them to learn more about the exam. There’s an exam fee of $105, which you have to pay directly to the testing agency. Once the exam fee is paid, you can set a schedule for the exam.
Step Three: Prepare for the exam
This is the moment of truth: taking the trade exam. You’ve come this far, so you might as well make the most out of it. So what do you do? Prepare for the electrical exam, of course. But to do that properly, you need to acquire all the helpful information you can get.
If you have any questions about the exam, you can refer to the ICC Assessment Center’s Exam Information Bulletin. It provides exam takers a comprehensive guide on the trade exam, including general testing information, administrative procedures, test site regulations, and more.
Step Four: Take and Pass the Exam
The exams for electrical licenses are based on the nation’s rules and standards for electrical installations, as per the terms defined in the National Electrical Code,
To earn your license, you need to take and pass the trade exam. The exam is sponsored by the International Code Council (ICC), an independent assessment program designed to help licensing agencies appraise the competency of applicants in the construction field. You can contact ICC through the following information:
ICC Assessment Center
Phone: 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233) ext. 5524
- Journeyman Exam. You need to get a minimum score of 70% to pass the exam. To get more information about the journeyman exam, go here.
- Master Electrician Exam. You need to score at least 75% to pass the exam. For more information on the Master Electrician Exam, go here.
- Low Voltage Technician Exam. You need to score at least 75% to pass the exam. For more information on the Low Voltage Technician exam, go here.
Step Five: Get your contractor’s license
After passing the exam, you need to pay the initial licensing fee so you can receive your license. Each type of license has a set number of years to remain active. The master electrician license, for instance, renews every three years, after which you’ll need to apply for a renewal and pay a renewal fee. You also need to meet the minimum number of continuing education hours before each renewal cycle.
- For more information on the renewal process, go to this link.
- To get more information on the continuing education requirements, go to this link.
Master Electrician Requirements
- Proof showing at least 8 years (16,000 hours) of work experience in electrical wiring, including 4 years (8,000 hours) as a licensed journeyman electrician and under the supervision of a qualifying electrician for a licensed electrical contractor.
- Has completed 576 hours of classroom instruction related to the electrical trade.
- Has held a journeyman electrical license for at least 4 years.
- Submit “Documented Evidence of Work Experience” including notarized letters from employees and the IBEW local union.
- Take and pass the Master Electrician trade exam.
- A copy of your electrical license issued by another state licensing board (if applying for a reciprocal license).
For more details on the qualifications to take the Wyoming Master Electrician Exam, go to this PDF file.
Taking the Master Electrician Exam
The Master Electrician Exam is an open-book exam comprising 100 multiple-choice questions, which you need to answer within a 5-hour limit. You need to pay a $110 exam fee to take the exam.
Content Outline
Content Area % of Total
General Knowledge and Plan Reading 12%
Services and Service Equipment 16%
Feeders 4%
Branch Circuits and Conductors 16%
Wiring Methods and Materials 19%
Equipment and Devices 10%
Control Devices 3%
Motors and Generators 8%
Special Occupancies,
Equipment, and Conditions 12%
Reference Materials: 2011 National Electrical Code and Ugly’s Electrical References (any edition)
Journeyman Electrician Requirements
- Proof showing at least 4 years (8,000 hours) of work experience in electrical wiring under the direction or supervision of a qualifying electrician for a licensed electrical contractor.
- Has completed 144 hours per year, or 576 hours spanning over a four-year apprenticeship, of classroom instruction related to the electrical field through approved electrical apprenticeship training programs.
- If you gained experience in the military, include a copy of your DD-214 form with your application.
- Submit “Documented Evidence of Work Experience” including notarized letters from employers and local unions, or an official letter from a licensing board documenting your work hours.
- A copy of your electrical license issued by another state licensing board (if applying for a reciprocal license).
For more details on the qualifications to take the Wyoming Master Electrician Exam, go to this PDF file.
Taking the Journeyman Electrician Exam
The Journeyman Electrician Exam is an open-book exam containing 80 multiple-choice questions. You need to answer the exam within a 4-hour limit. The exam fee is $110.
Content Outline
Content Area % of Total
General Knowledge 6%
Services and Service Equipment 11%
Feeders 4%
Branch Circuits and Conductors 19%
Wiring Methods and Materials 26%
Equipment and Devices 13%
Control Devices 4%
Motors and Generators 6%
Special Occupancies,
Equipment, and Conditions 11%
Reference Materials: 2011 National Electrical Code and Ugly’s Electrical References (any edition)
Limited/Low Voltage Technician Requirements
- Show proof of 2 years (4,000 hours) of practical experience working on low voltage electrical installations or electrical work related to the limited technician license being applied for (see categories below).
- Notarized letters from previous or current employers documenting work experience and the number of hours on the job.
- If you gained experience in the military, include a copy of your DD-2214 form with the application.
To get more information on Limited/Low Voltage Technician requirements, go to this PDF document.
Biggest Cities
City of Cheyenne
As per Cheyenne’s licensing rules, contractors need to obtain the appropriate license before performing work in the City of Cheyenne. If you violate this rule, the City of Cheyenne will issue a stop work order
Before applying for a license, it’s recommended that you read up on Cheyenne’s Contractor Licensing Rules and Regulations.
How to Apply for a City License
- Fill out the Contractor License Application form, making sure to include company references from people or firms you or your company has done business with.
- The application should include the following items
- Paid fees
- A certificate of general commercial liability insurance with the City of Cheyenne Building Safety department specified as a certificate holder only (not “additional insured”).
- For contractors with employees: A proof of registration with the Division of Worker’s Compensation in the Department of Workforce Services of the State of Wyoming.
Contractor Application Fees
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
Class A (General Contractor) $650 $200
Class A Specialty (One-time only) $650 –
Class B (Building Contractor) $450 $100
Class D (Subcontractor) $250 $75
Class R (Residential Contractor) $450 $75
Class C-1 Plumbing Applications
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
Plumbing Master & Contractor $250 $75
Class C-1 HVAC Applications
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
HVAC Master & Contractor $250 $75
HVAC Journeyman – –
HVAC Apprentice – –
Class C-1 Refrigeration Applications
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
Refrigeration Master & Contractor $250 $75
Electrical Applications (State License Required)
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
Electrical Master & Contractor $250 $75
Low Voltage Q.S. & Contractor $250 $50
Low Voltage Electrical Technician – –
Low Voltage Electrical Apprentice – –
Limited Electrical Q.S. & Contractor $250 $50
Limited Electrical Technician – –
Limited Electrical Apprentice – –
National ICC Exams
You will be authorized to schedule an exam with Pearson View once your application is approved. For more information on the exam, including testing sites, reference materials, and testing schedules, you can contact the State Fire Marshall’s office or the Division of Worker’s Compensation.
Pearson View
ICC Safe
Division of Worker’s Compensation
(307) 777-6763
Workman’s Compensation Website
Wyoming State Fire Marshall
122 W 25th St, Herschler Bldg
Cheyenne Wy, 82001
Contractors License Search & Lookup in Wyoming
While other states such as Connecticut, Georgia and South Carolina have more trades licensed at a state level, it’s not quite as easy to search for, lookup and verify a contractor’s license in the state of Wyoming because of the fact that most things are done on a local level. Our best advice is to check with the specific cities to see how you verify a license. Usually, they will post lists of the contractors that carry the necessary licenses.
As of the time of this writing, we have also not been able to locate a centralized way to lookup electrical licensees in the state of Wyoming.
City of Casper
The City of Casper’s licensing system has three main contractor classifications, namely General Contractors, Individual Contractors, and Electrical Contractors. Each one has its own contractor subclasses, which we’ll be getting into shortly.
Important: Make sure that you send your application not more than 10 days prior to the Contractor’s Board meeting, held every third Thursday of each month.
General Contractors
General contractors have five subclasses, with each one having its own set of requirements and scope of work. If you’re applying as a general contractor, make sure that you’re applying for the right type of general contractor’s license.
Class I. This license gives a contractor the authorization to construct, repair, or alter any structure. The sky’s pretty much the limit for a general contractor with this type of license.
To obtain a Class I license, you must take and pass the Class I exam, which covers the latest edition of the International Building Code.
To apply for the exam, you need to pay an application fee of $300. The renewal fee is worth $150.
To qualify for the Class I exam, you need to have a minimum of six years experience in the construction trade.
To get more information about how to qualify for the Class I exam, you can go to the General Contractor’s Application form published by the City of Casper website.
Class II. This license authorizes contractors to construct, repair, or alter residential structures up to and including an 8-unit residential building and remodel of commercial structures up to a quarter of the assessed value of the existing structure.
The Class II exam covers the latest edition of the International Building Code. The application fee is $150 while the renewal fee is $75.
To become eligible for the Class II exam, you need to have at least six years of work experience in the construction trade.
For a more detailed description on Class II exam requirements, go to the General Contractor’s Application form.
Class III. This license authorizes a contractor to repair, model, or alter single-family dwellings only up to 25% of the assessed cost.
The Class III exam covers the International Residential Building Code. To apply for the exam, you need to pay the $150 application fee. The renewal fee is $75.
Demolition. The demolition contractor’s duty is self-explanatory: to demolish and remove any structure. You don’t need to take a written test to obtain a Demolition license. You do need to pay a $150 application fee. The renewal fee is $75.
Roofing. A roofing license allows a contractor to install, repair, or construct roofs and roofing materials. The written test will be on the roofing section of the International Building Code only, with a few local amendments. The application fee is $150 while the renewal fee is $75.
Individual Contractors
Individual contractors, as defined by the City of Casper’s licensing system, are contractors performing more specialized trades. Individual contractor licenses have three different trade jurisdictions, namely mechanical and plumbing, pressure boiler, and utilities.
All contractors applying for a Journeyman level license must present proof of 4 years of experience, while those applying for a Master level license must present proof of 5 years of experience as a licensed Journeyman or at least 9 years of experience in the trade being applied for.
All contractors applying for a plumbing or a mechanical contractor’s license are required to designate a full-time master as a qualifying individual.
All individuals applying to become a low-pressure boiler operator are required to show proof of at least 3 months experience in the trade. Those applying to become a high-pressure boiler operator, meanwhile, need to have at least 2 years experience. Applicants for utility installers require 1 year of experience while applicants for utility installer need at least 4 years experience.
For more information about individual contractor requirements, refer to the Community Development Department Building Division’s Application for License PDF document.
To access all permit forms and fees relevant to contractor licensing, refer to this link.
To contact the Board, use the following contact information:
Building / Inspection
Community Development Department
Casper City Hall
200 N David, Rm 205
Casper, WY 82601
Tel: (307) 235-8264
Fax: (307) 235-8362
8 AM to 5 PM
Monday – Friday
Except for holidays
Contractor Application Fees
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
Mechanical & Plumbing Contractors $300 $75
Master $75 $37.50
Journeyman $25 $15
Apprentice $3 $3
Mobile Home Contractor $150 $75
Mobile Home Installer $15 $15
Water Treatment Contractor $150 $75
High-Pressure Boiler Operator $20 $10
Low-Pressure Boiler Operator $10 $5
Gas Fitter $10 $5
Utility Contractor $150 $75
Utility Installer $25 $15
If you fail to pass the exam, you can apply for re-examination after 30 days. Fail a second time and you won’t be able to apply again for a period of six months. You won’t be allowed to work in the trade during those months as well.
Casper Electrical License
While the State of Wyoming issues state licenses to qualified electricians, you may need to obtain a city license in the following areas: Limited Low Voltage, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, and Contractor.
To become eligible for the above licenses, you need to submit the following:
- A copy of a valid Electrical license issued by the State of Wyoming
- Written proof of liability insurance in the minimum amounts – $100,000/300,000.
To apply for an Electrical license in Casper, use this PDF document.
Electrical License Fees
Class Application Fee Renewal Fee
Contractor $300 $75
Master $75 $37.50
Journeyman $25 $15
Apprentice $3 $3
Low Voltage Contractor $150 $75
City of Laramie
The City of Laramie has numerous city departments, with each one managing its own licenses and permits. As such, the Code Administration Division handles contractor licenses, along with the issuance of permits, inspections, and plan reviews.
The Code Administration Division issues the following contractor licenses:
- Electrical Contractor
- Fire Protection Contractor
- Petroleum Products Piping Contractor
- Plumbing Contractor
- Gas Service Contractor
- Refrigeration Contractor
- Lawn Sprinkler Contractor
- Water and Sewer Utility Contractor
- Mechanical Contractor
- Water Softener Contractor
- Completed Contractor’s Application
- Completed Certification of Qualification
- Completed Verification of Experience
- Certificate of Insurance with the City of Laramie (Code Administration should be the certificate holder)
- Proof of Worker’s Compensation
- Renewal or license fee
- Copy of current city or state licenses
License Fees
License Classification New License Fee Renewal Fee
Water Softener Contractor $150.00 $20.00
Fire Protection Contractor $150.00 $20.00
Petroleum Products Piping Contractor $150.00 $20.00
Lawn Sprinkler System $150.00 $20.00 Electrical Contractor $200.00 $25.00 Plumbing Contractor $300.00 $35.00 Mechanical Contractor $300.00 $35.00
Gas Service Contractor $300.00 $35.00 Refrigeration Contractor $300.00 $35.00
Water and Sewer Utility Contractor $300.00 $35.00
City of Gillette
The City of Gillette issues two types of contractor’s licenses: the class of license and the individual trade license. Each license type has its own set of licenses and permits.
License Board
All licenses are issued to qualified applicants by the Building Inspection Division. You can contact the division using the following information:
201 E. Fifth Street, 2nd Floor
Gillette, WY 82716
Telephone: (307) 686-5260
Facsimile: (307) 685-8897
Class A, B, and R – Building Contractors
Class A (General Contractor) – This license authorizes a contractor to construct, alter, repair, add to, or demolish any structure permitted by the city’s adopted codes.
Class B (Building Contractor) – This license authorizes a contractor to construct, alter, repair, add to, or demolish 1, 2, 3, or 4 family dwelling units of 3 stories above grade or less and to construct, alter, repair, add to, or demolish commercial structures of up to 5,000 square feet in size.
Class R (Residential Contractor) – This license authorizes a contractor to construct, alter, add to, repair, or demolish 1 and 2 family dwellings of up to 3 stories above grade and townhouses of up to 3 stories above grade.
Class C (Specialty Contractors) – Contractors with a Class C license are only allowed to perform the type of work they are particularly licensed for. Class C contractors are allowed to hold multiple Class C Specialty Contractor licenses.
The licenses mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg. For a more complete list, go to the Contractor License Application form.
Class License Fee
Class A – General Contractor $500
Class B – Building Contractor $300
Class R – Residential Contractor $15
Class C – Specialty Contractor $75
Trade Licenses
The City of Gillette issues licenses in the following trades: Electricians (master, journeyman); Gas Pipefitters (master, journeyman, and apprentice); HVAC Technicians (master, journeyman, and apprentice); Plumbers (master, journeyman, and apprentice) and Refrigeration Technicians (master, journeyman, and apprentice).
Electrician – Electricians can perform work as defined in the 2017 NEC. All applicants for a city license need to present a copy of a valid license issued by the State of Wyoming.
Gas Pipefitter – a gas pipefitter’s duty is defined in the 2015 IFGC, with a few amendments by the City. Gas pipefitters are also allowed to install gas piping inside structures as well as install propane tanks and gas piping to the building.
HVAC Technician- an HVAC technician’s scope of work is defined in the 2015 IMC. HVAC technicians who want to perform Gas Pipefitter work are required to obtain a Gas Pipefitter license.
Refrigeration Technician – a refrigeration technician’s scope of work is defined in the 2015 IMC. You’re also required to hold an ESCO Refrigeration Certificate to be qualified.
Plumber – a plumber’s scope of work includes those that were defined in the 2015 IPC.
Plumber – Residential Fire Suppression System Installer – a residential fire suppression system installer’s scope of work is defined in the 2015 IRC.
Master Electrician – State of Wyoming Master Electrician License
Journeyman Electrician – State of Wyoming Journeyman Electrician License
Master (all trades except for Plumber and Residential FSSI) – ICC Certificate and Five years work experience
Journeyman (all trades) – ICC Certificate and Four years work experience
Apprentice (all trades) – none
Master/Journeyman Plumber (Residential) – ICC Certificate
Master/Journeyman Fire Suppression System Installer – ICC Certificate
Application Fees
Master (all trades) – $50 application fee
Journeyman (all trades except for Plumber and Residential FSSI) – $25
Apprentice (all trades) – $5
For more instructions on the requirements for obtaining a trade license, go to the Individual Trade License Application form.
Test Information
All exams are administered by Pearson VUE and sponsored by the International Code Council (ICC).
To get more exam information, go to Once there, go to Education and Certification > Exam Catalog > Catalog Search, and then choose Contractor/Trade > Wyoming. Click Search > Choose exam type > Reference Exam ID to schedule the exam. Click on Wyoming Contractor/Trades Examination Information Bulletin.
You can also call 1-877-234-6082 to schedule the exam.
City of Rock Springs
Want to perform your trade in the City of Rock Springs? You need to register with the Building Inspection Office first.
- Contractor Registration Form
- Registration Fee of $125
- Certificate of Insurance
- $100,000 Property Damage
- $100,000 Bodily injury including death to any individual
- $250,000 Bodily injury including death to more than one individual
- The Certificate showing “the City of Rock Springs, 212 D Street, Rock Springs, WY 82901” as the certificate holder
- Show contractor’s name and phone number (2” minimum letter size) on all large equipment and vehicles designated at construction sites (violation of this rule may result in non-compliance penalties or work stoppage. (Ord. No. 2006-12, 5-16-06).
Electrical Contractors need to submit the following:
- A copy of your Electrical Contractor’s License issued by the State of Wyoming
- A copy of your Master Record
If you have any other questions, you can contact
City of Rock Springs
Department of Public Services
Building Inspection Office
212 D St
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 352-1540
Fax: 307-352-1545
(Office hours are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
City of Sheridan
As a contractor or subcontractor, you need to obtain a city license before rendering your services in the City of Sheridan.
You must meet the following requirements to become eligible for a city license:
- Submit a completed application to the Building Official.
- Liability insurance not less than $500,000
- A license and permit bond
- Work verification with documentation proving you’ve met the minimum requirements of the category you’re applying for.
Your license must be renewed 12 months after the date of issuance. All licenses must be renewed each year.
If you have any questions on the licensing process, contact:
City Hall
55 Grinnell Plaza
Sheridan WY 82801
Phone: 307.674.5941
Fax: 307.672.0045
You can also email Building official Kevin Bare at
The City Hall is open from Monday to Friday, between 7:00 am to 5 pm.
Requirements for each license category:
General Contractor (Type I)
Commercial Contractor
- Complete all requirements for a Journeyman carpenter.
- Verification of completed ICC test.
- Notarized Project Verification Form showing 2 years experience as a journeyman
- Verification of $500,000 liability insurance.
- $25,000 Bond
- Licensing fee
Residential contractor
- Complete all requirements for a Journeyman carpenter
- Verification of completed ICC test
- Notarized Project Verification Form showing 2 years experience as a journeyman
- Verification of $500,000 liability insurance
- Bond in the amount of $25,000
- Licensing fee
Subcontractor (Type II)
Plumbing/HVAC Contractor
- Complete all requirements for a Journeyman Plumber or HVAC based on license being applied for
- Verification of completed ICC test
- Notarized Project Verification form showing 2 years experience as a journeyman
- Verification of $500,000 liability insurance
- Bond in the amount of $10,000
- Licensing fee
Electrical Contractor
- (All requirements mentioned under Type II contractors)
- A copy of your current electrical license issued by Wyoming State (contractor and master of record)
*Applicants with at least six years of verifiable experience may become eligible for a contractor’s license without a journeyman license (approval will be subject to the discretion of the Building Official).
Subcontractor (Type III)
- Verification documenting two years experience under the direction of a contractor holding a license for the same trade being applied for.
- Verification of $500,000 liability insurance
- Bond in the amount of $10,000
- Pay the required license fee
- Contractor License Application
- Contractor Licensing Procedures
- Journeyman Carpenter Forms
- Journeyman HVAC Forms
- Journeyman Licensing Procedures
- Journeyman Plumber Forms
- Project Verification Form
City of Green River
As is the case with most cities in Wyoming, you need to obtain a city license before performing your trade anywhere in Green River.
- Submit a completed Contractor’s License application form
- Submit proof of liability insurance including a minimum injury or death coverage amounting to at least $250,000.
- Pay the initial license fee of $100.
- Show proof of a sign on a company vehicle bearing the name of the company and a telephone number.
You can submit the above requirements to the Community Development Department at City Hall. If you have any questions about the licensing process, you can contact the department through the following information:
Community Development Department
50 East 2nd North
Green River, WY 82935
Phone: (307) 872 -6140
Fax: (307) 872 -0510
The department is available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Contractor License Reciprocity
Are you an out-of-state contractor looking to render your services in the State of Wyoming? Well, of course you can, but how easy or fast you can obtain that license will depend on your circumstances. Each state has its own licensing requirements, which begs the question: Will Wyoming’s licensing board credit your out-of-state contractor’s license when you apply for one in Wyoming? For that to happen, there has to be a “reciprocity agreement” between your state and Wyoming in regards to the type of license you want to apply for.
Journeyman Electrician License Reciprocity
The State of Wyoming has reciprocal agreements for the Journeyman Electrician License with the following states:
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Idaho
- Maine
- Minnesota
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
Master Electrician License Reciprocity
The State of Wyoming has reciprocal agreements for the Master Electrician License with the following states:
To read all requirements for obtaining a reciprocal journeyman or master license, read the State of Wyoming’s official document on Reciprocal Information.